
Anxiety Most people if they are honest have suffered with anxiety at some stage in their life. In truth we all live with anxiety. It is actually an essential way to feel because anxiety tells us that we have something to worry about, something that we need to be aware of that could be potentially harmful to our wellbeing. Anxiety is useful when it gives us important information but it is bad when it becomes debilitating. Ball of Anxiety People who have suffered with anxiousness have inadvertently trained themselves to respond with a sense of powerlessness. They can be overwhelmed with worry from time to time or indeed live with the constant ball of anxiety in the pit of their stomach. Asked why they are anxious they may not know. Anxiety leads to a paralysis of the mind. Every day tasks become undoable. Often the person will simply withdraw and stay in bed. The part of the mind that is responding to the world and to life, that is causing this anxiety is the S...