
Showing posts from 2013

How to interpret a dream link:

Coaching through dreams is a remarkable new form of coaching developed by Paul Gill. It involves monitoring and recording your dreams over a specific time period and then working through the information provided in those dreams with Paul Gill Dream Coach. I will take you through your dreams helping you decipher the hidden information and challenge you on how to use that to resolve a problem/ achieve the goal that you want. The dream will contain embedded information and clues as to what the current situation is. Then as we progress through the coaching program I will program your mind through hypnosis to come up a solution in the form of a hypnotic dream. The beauty of this is that dreams come form the subconscious part of the mind which sees things in a very different light to the conscious mind. Psychologists believe that the subconscious accounts for up to two thirds of all mental activity. So it can be said to be your 'greater mind'. It will highlight issues and make a ...

Give up Smoking using Hypnotherapy

Give up Smoking using Hypnotherapy Ash Wednesdsay is the  most popular time for giving up smoking.  Most people who give up cigarettes on that day are not successful.  They go through hell using will-power trying to distract themselves  from the fact that they feel deprived and unable to function without  cigarettes. Eventually after a few days they give in, feeling resigned  to the fact that they are addicted for the time being or at least until  next New Years' Eve. The reason it's so hard is because of the way the human mind works.  The mind works on a conscious level and a subconscious level. At a  conscious level the mind makes a decision to give up smoking, but  the subconscious still continues to do its job and run the habit. The  mind works on many levels but for simplicity sake let's say two levels,  namely the Conscious and the Subconscious. The conscious is the  par...